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Minor Updated the Flows service to include field validation of non-string data types.

  • Commerce Manager In the Flows page, updated the field type Boolean. The default value is now selected by using True and False radio buttons.

Major Flow slugs can no longer be pluralized versions of core entity slugs (products, orders, etc).

Minor In some cases, errors to the orders endpoints would return a blank error. This has been resolved. Minor Deleting a relationship on a flow now sets the fields to null, not a blank array.

Minor Fixed an issue where whitespace in filters would cause a 500 error. Minor Fixed an issue where all flows were returned when using ?include.

Minor Fixed a bug where field_type needed to be specified when updating a field and omitting it would cause a 5xx response. Minor Fixed a bug where the updated_at on a flow was not being updated when the flow was updated.

Minor Return an error if a user tries to add a product to a cart that does not have a price in the supplied currency. Minor Return an error if more than 10 filter parameters are applied to a request. Minor Fixed a bug where adding a relationship field to some entity types could cause a 5xx response.

  • Commerce Manager Fixed inconsistent behavior of pagination in the UI.
  • Fixed an issue whereby an invalid slug would cause an error with the flows endpoint.
  • Fixed an issue whereby a payment request without an object would cause an error.
  • Fixed an issue with the validation issue being logged as error.

  • Validation error code now returns a helpful message for SingleEqualsPriceModifierViolation.
  • Fixed an issue whereby newly created Flow Field wouldn’t immediately present on resource.
  • Major Added Zendesk integration for improved customer support.